Bestseller Products
Useful info

For legal entities in the European Union other than Romania, we issue invoices with 0% VAT.
For individuals from the European Union, including Romania, the invoices issued are subject to 19% VAT.
Billing for EU countries
How to buy
Our store offers the possibility to buy consumable products for printers from the comfort of your home or office. For this, you need to follow a few simple steps:
1. Register by creating an account
2. Enter your personal data, delivery address and phone number.
3. Choose the desired product by accessing the product page. It is recommended to read the technical sheet to understand the details related to the description of the products you intend to order. Omission of complete self-information by studying the displayed technical sheet can lead to situations not attributable to the seller, the correct information on the characteristics of the products offered for sale before the purchase decision being the legal obligation of the buyer.
4. Enter the product/products in the cart using the "add to cart" button.
5. If you do not want to continue shopping, you can access the shopping cart using the "Checkout" button
6. Choose the delivery method and select the payment method
7. Finalize the order. You will receive a confirmation email.
Depending on the chosen courier method and the payment processing time, the products are delivered in approximately 1-2 working days in Romania. For other countries, the delivery time can vary from three days to 14 days depending on the distance and the chosen transport method.
If, for various reasons, you cannot create an account or finalize the order, you can contact us at the displayed phone number or by email from the customer assistance contact page. Assistance is available in Romanian and English.