Bestseller Products
Useful info

For legal entities in the European Union other than Romania, we issue invoices with 0% VAT.
For individuals from the European Union, including Romania, the invoices issued are subject to 19% VAT.
Billing for EU countries
Product warranty
All our products are delivered under warranty for a period of 6 months with the right to return within a period of 7 days as follows:
- the delivered products that have not been unsealed or used in whole or in part can be returned unconditionally within a maximum of 7 days from the date of receipt,
- unsealed products can only be returned for non-functioning reasons within 180 days,
- products altered during transport can be returned within 7 days,
- unsealed products, used or not, are not subject to return or compensation in case they do not present operating defects,
The buyer is obliged to notify the seller about the intention to use the warranty for the purchased products. The warranty cannot come into effect without fulfilling the conditions mentioned above.