Bestseller Products
Useful info

For legal entities in the European Union other than Romania, we issue invoices with 0% VAT.
For individuals from the European Union, including Romania, the invoices issued are subject to 19% VAT.
Billing for EU countries
Secure payment
Secured payment
For the payment of the products, our store offers the following payment options: card payment, bank transfer and cash on delivery. In the case of card payments, the transaction processor is Stripe Inc. Payments can also be made via PayPal upon request, for this please inform us before registering your order.
Payments are secured by SSL encryption certificates on our site and by the 3D Secure method for protecting the financial data of the cards. VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTERCARD cards and the Paypal payment service are accepted.
During the processing of card payments, your data cannot be viewed by any third party, they are exclusively under the administration of the payment processor, respectively Stripe Inc. Your financial data is protected by the payment processor as well as by the Romanian and European laws in force, the merchant not having access in any form to them, only receiving the confirmation of the payment made for the requested order.
Processing and shipping is only done after confirming the payment of your order.